
Ruleguard Update 4.70.0

We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.70.0 is now live!

This update contains the following changes:

Time Zone Enhancements

  • Added the Due and 'Completed on' dates to the Events Table on an Attestation, Task, Task List, Workflow Step and Workflow Design Cards, expressing the dates in the Event Design Time Zone (plus a widget describing the Users Time Zone on mouseover) to better reflect their context as set during design-time.

Ruleguard - Time zone on Design Events Tab

General Improvements & Enhancements

  • Added the ability to 'Include blanks' in the 'Past (including now)' and 'Future (including now)' Date Time filters on the Data Library to support queries where a period between two dates might be 'open ended' (e.g. where a Job has begun but not yet ended).

Ruleguard - Include blanks on Data Library Date Time Filters

  • Released underlying foundational work (back end) for core platform improvements around Management Information (MI). 
    • It is expected there will be no impact to existing MI for the time being.
  • Made a minor User Interface (UI) improvement to better handle the display of the 'Legal Entity status star', to better handle longer Job Role Titles when viewing this data on the Reporting Lines 'mapping screen'. 

Ruleguard - Reporting Lines Star

  • Resolved an issue whereby removing a Recipient from a Shared Field was generating an update for all Recipients, even though they would not be impacted by this change.
  • Resolved an issue whereby Date Fields were being formatted as Date Time Fields when downloading from a Data Library Table.
  • Resolved Date Time filtering returning no results where the unit of time was a 'Day' within Data Library Tables.
  • Resolved a paging issue whereby a text search in the header of a short-text type Field in a Data Library Table was visually only returning 10 records despite more being present.
  • Resolved an issue whereby unsharing a Sub-Task from one Recipient was preventing 'child' (lower-level) Sub-Tasks from being unshared with another Recipient.

In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.


If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Ruleguard Team