We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.40.0 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
Feature Spotlight: Risk Matrix Highlights
It is now possible to highlight a Column, or an entire Row based on a condition so that you may quickly identify important facts 'at a glance' when reviewing your Risk universe via the Risk Matrix.

Topic Sharing
Added the ability for Recipients of Shared Topics and associated entities to filter only to 'changed' (updated) entities when receiving updates so that they may better assess their impact without having to scroll past many entries.
Improved the logic around RichText Fields to prevent the case whereby in some circumstances clicking within a Field, then 'away' resulted in a 'phantom update' being offered as an update to Shared Topics.
Resolved an issue whereby unmapping an entity within a Shared Topic was not identifying and passing on this change to configured Recipients.
Global Requirements Updates
Improved the Inbox so that superseded Requirement Updates from global regulators no longer appear in the Inbox (but can still be accessed via superseding updates within the Inbox)
General Improvements & Fixes
Made an amendment to the Event Matrix so that blocked Users may be included in filters.
Improved the representation of entities linked to Workflow Designs where a Workflow has been Archived to better identify the shape of the design when reviewing historical designs.
Resolved an issue whereby Users were unable to 'bulk claim' multiple Tasks from their Inboxes.
Improved support within the permissions logic to better enable cases where a blending of 'rights' between Restricted and Unrestricted Fields was previously causing errors when editing Standard Fields.
Resolved an intricate issue whereby visibility Rules on a Field that was hidden was sometimes causing an error given where a Highlight condition was also present.
Resolved an issue whereby configuring Selection (Tiered) Fields was not possible due to options only being visible in Preview mode.
Included back-end optimisations to the Tags and Person Matrices (visibly and functionally these grids and their associated features will be largely unchanged).
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Ruleguard Team