We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.38.0 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
Accountability Module
Added the Certification Functions for which a Person is Certified as of the Responsibility Map Date to the Person Table.
May be shown for a given or all Legal Entities.
Please note the most recent Certification Data is used to populate this information.
Renamed the 'Certified' Column' to 'Certifiable' to better reflect that this indicates whether a Person may be Certified when using the Person Table on the Responsibilities Map.

General Improvements & Fixes
Made a back-end improvement to streamline the way an account may be subscribed to when allocating a 'Direct URLs' Subscription (may not be subscribed to via a Parent grouping), so that account administration may be improved during the Customer onboarding process.
Made a minor usability improvement to be able to create an Attestation 'Design' in a disabled state.
Resolved an issue where it was not possible to print Compliance Documents. A dedicated Print button is now provided.

Resolved an issue whereby selecting the 'Own Functions only' - 'And all children' permission scope was not correctly remembering the 'And all children' selection.
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Ruleguard Team