We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.27.0 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
General Improvements & Fixes
Added the ability to cancel a Task List event from a Users Inbox.
Requires a 'Cancel Task List' permission.
Includes the ability to provide a reason.
An optional email notification may be provided.
Customers who share Events may option whether to share cancelled events.
Information is captured on respective Task event and Management Information (MI) grids.

Improved the behaviour of selecting 'tokens' when designing a document template to improve the User experience where large Field names were present
Made a minor modification to 'Function Tables' within the Responsibilities Map to remove the Persons 'map' (relationship) status for all Functions except Boards, Committees, Groups and Forums after analysis demonstrated this was not being used and a customer request to have this stricken from these tables.
Resolved an issue whereby clicking on the Description Field but making no changes on e.g. a Control card was registering this click as an 'update'.
Made a back-end change to migrate the Users, User Roles, and User Groups page to newer components to improve performance and bring these in line with other grids in the system.
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Ruleguard Team