We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.19.0 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
General Improvements & Fixes
Improved the query description displayed in the active filters 'bar' when returning an 'advanced query' configured to display all Issues within a given date range for a 'standard' date field.
Added the ID to the Issues grid on 'rules mapping' entities for linked Issues.
Added the ability to search for a User email in the 'Users matrix'.
Ported the download CSV feature from the now-retired 'classic' acknowledgement letters UI to the current 'v4' UI, so that it may be fully retired.
Resolved an issue with advanced queries whereby hitting [return] on a numeric query when using a zero ("0") integer was not returning the correct results until a refresh (seen on the 'events grid').
Resolved an issue where a User with 'View History (Global)' permissions was not seeing the requisite information unless the Administrator flag was also set to true.
Resolved an issue for a user based in another time zone whereby setting an Issue date field value returned instead the day before (visually) until the Issue 'card' was refreshed.
Resolved an issue where the 'Type' filter on a Processes grid was instead offering the Control types for selection.
Resolved an issue whereby archived field data was still being updated when an Issue was shared with a recipient if the sharing 'key' remained in place.
Resolved a spacing and formatting issue on Responsibilities Maps.
Resolved a rare issue during 'certifications' whereby using a series of workflows in a particular combination resulted in data being updated on a previous record instead of the latest.
Resolved an MI issue whereby creating a 'dashboard' chart for an MI card set as 'Issue Type' by 'Custom Field' of type 'Date' resulted in an error and no table (despite the chart data being correct).
Resolved a minor issue whereby an MI context menu was obfuscated when viewing a dashboard.
Includes fixes and updates to the Sailpoint file output.
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Delivery Manager.
Ruleguard Team