We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 3.41.1 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
General Improvements
Resolved an issue where Users of Tasks were unable to 'reject' sub-Tasks.
Resolved an issue whereby an assigned Persons name was being rendered as code when viewing a Responsibility card.
Reintroduced a 'power user' feature (available to Users with 'Manage Custom Fields' permissions) that enables Users administering 'selection-type' Custom Fields the ability to enter a large list of options quickly, by utilising a comma-separated list. E.g.
Create a Selection Field
Enter the options required in the first Field as comma-separated list e.g. "Option A, Option B, Option C"
Hit [Return].
List will now be separated at the comma so that each option becomes a distinct selection.

Performed some background administrative maintenance for Management Information (MI) charts.
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.
If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Delivery Manager.
Ruleguard Team