Priscilla Gaudoin

Priscilla Gaudoin

Head of Risk & Compliance

Priscilla is a certified compliance professional specialising in governance, risk management and compliance. With a career spanning 25+ years, she has previously worked as a consultant providing regulatory advice to firms from various FS sectors. She has also held senior management roles as the Chief Compliance Officer and MLRO. Priscilla has significant experience in designing and implementing compliance processes and controls as well as risk management frameworks. She is a Fellow of the International Compliance Association and a member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments.

She is responsible for Ruleguard’s Thought Leadership Programme, where she writes regular in-depth articles, white papers, and hosts insightful webinars on a variety of regulatory matters including CASS, SM&CR, Risk Management, Operational Resilience and AI.

Priscilla’s dual role also encompasses the oversight of risk management at Ruleguard, and strategic guidance on the development of Ruleguard’s GRC solutions. She is a strong advocate of RegTech and believes that leveraging advanced technology is key to proactively managing regulatory risks and boosting operational efficiency.

Committed to knowledge sharing, Priscilla plays a vital role in supporting the next generation of compliance professionals. She has contributed to the PIMFA CASS Academy, sponsored by Ruleguard, and regularly mentors junior professionals in the industry.

Priscilla brings extensive experience as a former consultant, offering expert regulatory advice to financial services firms, including financial advisors, investment management firms, fund managers, and insurers. She has helped these organisations evaluate and interpret regulations and implement robust processes and controls that stand up to external scrutiny.

She has also held senior leadership roles as Chief Compliance Officer and MLRO, where she oversaw regulatory visits and thematic reviews, as well as the design and implementation of end-to-end compliance and risk management programmes.

Priscilla is a certified compliance professional specialising in governance, risk management and compliance. She is a Fellow of the International Compliance Association, and an active member of the IRM.

All articles from Priscilla Gaudoin

Has SM&CR made a difference?

Has SM&CR made a difference?

The Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) for insurers took effect in December 2018. As part of the Solvency II regime, insurers were already subject to the Senior Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR) introduced in 2016. Despite that, there were some new...

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Discover the benefits of CASS audits

Discover the benefits of CASS audits

Whilst it is not the regulator’s objective to prevent firms from failing, where a firm does fail, the aim is to manage this in an orderly manner. Hence the basic capital resources requirement for all regulated firms. The regulator aims to avoid disorderly failure,...

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How to demonstrate control over Master Trusts

How to demonstrate control over Master Trusts

Master Trusts Under the Spotlight The UK’s Pension Schemes Act 2017 and Occupational Pension Schemes (Master Trusts) Regulations 2018 introduced the concept of a master trust. Under the legislation, firms had to identify whether their pension scheme fell within the...

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What is CMAR anyway?

What is CMAR anyway?

The purpose of the Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) is to ensure that client money and assets are always protected. Importantly, all money and assets held for a client can be returned promptly, particularly if the firm should fail. Following the failure of investment...

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CASS Firms: Focus on Resilience

CASS Firms: Focus on Resilience

In 2020 the FCA issued three Dear CEO letters. The letters were a reminder to firms of the obligations relating to client assets and client money. FCA reminded firms of the importance of maintaining adequate measures to protect client money and assets in the current...

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How to Demonstrate Good Governance

How to Demonstrate Good Governance

How well can your firm demonstrate effective systems and controls? Corporate Governance isn’t just about who sits on your board and how often the board meets. It’s about the systems and controls as well as the standards set within a firm. It’s about ensuring that the...

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UK SOX: Why We Need Reform

UK SOX: Why We Need Reform

In 2002, the USA implemented the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). It caused quite a stir at the time due to the time and effort required to make changes to comply with it. Some felt that it was too onerous. Others felt it was an overreaction to some large corporate failures....

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Accountability in Financial Services

Accountability in Financial Services

Since the financial crisis of 2008 regulators worldwide have been introducing reforms to improve individual accountability within firms. Regulators were criticised for their lack of action and not preventing the crisis. Further criticism was aimed at firms’ failings...

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Better Breach Management

Better Breach Management

A firm’s operational error log can provide a great deal of information about its compliance culture. Consider the following: Is it always the same individuals recording all the issues? Has the log remained untouched for several months? Are the identified issues...

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Tips for Effective Compliance Monitoring

Tips for Effective Compliance Monitoring

All regulated firms are obliged to conduct compliance monitoring. The compliance function is required to monitor and test compliance by performing sufficient and representative compliance testing. Then the results are reported up through the compliance reporting line...

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Operational Resilience: Why Setting International Standards is Crucial

Operational Resilience: Why Setting International Standards is Crucial

We’re all aware that operational resilience requires an holistic view of a firm’s operations. The Financial Services industry operates globally and requires a coordinated effort to establish a resilient framework. Current work to improve resilience focuses on being...

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Creating Resilient Payment Services

Creating Resilient Payment Services

This was the view of the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) back in 2015 when the PSR was still relatively new. Six years later and it’s fair to say that payments systems are even more critical today. It’s a message echoed by the Bank of England (BoE) and evidenced by the...

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